Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fun photo

A couple of weeks ago after my photography class started, I wanted to use my new tutu (it's so cute and polka dotted and I made it!), so I set all the settings on my camera and had Adam take photos of me. For some reason my camera was taking really blue photos (I've reset it now and it seems to be better), but I edited it a little (can you believe that...remember when I was posting sideways photos because I didn't know how to turn them around??) and it's a little better.

Tomorrow I'll post some photos that I took of Sarah (and she took of me in my tutu again :)) with my new camera. I love it.

Have a great evening!!


Heather M. said...

yay! an update! ;)

love that photo - it is so cute and fun!

Lulu said...

Thanks Cate!! Yeah, I'm totally on pins and needles.. ugh. :)

jen said...

Great blog, Cate! And what a super fun pic! :)

Could you contact me on Ravelry, please? I'm on there as jen76


Anonymous said...

love it! So cutE!