Heather tagged me forever ago (January 21st actually...Colin's 15th birthday) and I'm finally getting to it now. Chloe woke me up barking over an hour ago when some cats were fighting outside. One of them was my parents cat, Belle, and Chloe barked until I got up and let her in. Now Chloe's happily snoring away and I'm wide awake. So what better time to do 6 random things about me??
1. I was born in Germany (West Germany actually...but that doesn't exist anymore...I think that's kind of cool). I am a Canadian citizen. I don't have a passport...because I lost my "Registration of Birth Abroad" card. So I now have to get a "Landed Immigrants" card so that I can get a passport. I think that's stupid when I'm a Canadian citizen and do have a Canadian military birth certificate. So I'm procrastinating, but Adam and I are going to Florida in November and so I really have to think about getting one soon.
2. Every time I hear the Our Lady Peace song "Innocent" I think of being at the Tsunami Relief Concert a few years ago in Vancouver with Tracey, who lived in the Maldives at the time and experienced the Tsunami. Raine Maida was at the concert with his wife Chantal Kreviazuk and he played the piano and sang that song and the whole crowd sang the chorus with him (We are, we are all innocent, we are all innocent, we are, we are, we are all innocent, we are all innocent, we are , we are all...). And then it reminds me of how much I get sad that our news never covers things around the world (I don't think a 30 second news "story" counts as covering it) unless it affects "Westerners". How are they now? Have they rebuilt already? Will it take years to rebuild? Do they still need us to donate money?
3. I watched a documentary called Sharkwater the other day and it made me feel good about not liking fish. Not necessarily because they're bad for you (which they are starting to be because of all the mercury in the water), but because of the way some kinds of fish are caught. There's lots of "waste" caught and killed (not necessarily on purpose) and I don't like that. I think that eating free range meat (because they're treated better) or kosher (because it's supposed to be killed "painlessly) is better.
4. I bought this awesome soap at yoga called Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap in lavender scent. I seriously think this stuff is magic! I put it in a Bath and Body Works pump so it comes out foamy (I just put about an inch in the bottom of the container and then filled the rest up with water). I use it on my hair and my body. I haven't been using anything else in my hair (no conditioner or other products at all!!) and it doesn't get frizzy anymore. I washed Chloe with it a couple of days ago and she's still super soft. And I wash all my yoga clothes with it. I really love the scent of lavender now too. And it's vegan.
5. Even though I'm not a vegetarian I saw a sticker on someone's water bottle at yoga a few weeks ago that I can't stop thinking about. It said "Wings Are for Flying, Not Frying". I personally don't like eating meat off of bones, so it's appealing to me partly because of that, but I just love the idea of "Wings Are for Flying"...it makes me think that we can do anything we want.
6. I
love hot yoga. I
love the studio I go to. I love most of the teachers. I like that they all have different styles. Some push you more. Some are super mellow. Some always have insightful things to say that make you think the rest of the day. Some are so dang flexible it makes me excited to see how I will progress (I can't believe what two months has done already!). I didn't think I would like the "meditation" part of it, but I do! I love staying in
savasana and feeling the sweat drip down and ignoring it. It really does get easier if you concentrate. I've read about teacher training and am in awe of them. They go to 11 classes a week (two a day Monday-Friday and then one on Saturday with Sunday off). One day I want to try two classes. I just don't know if I want to go in the morning and evening, or two in a row.
I promised Jenn that I'd post some stuff I've made lately this weekend, so look for something on Sunday (if I can find my cord for the camera so I can download the photos that I will hopefully take tomorrow...and I have Photoshop now so hopefully the photos won't be sideways anymore...if I can remember how to rotate them). There's a cute mini album (I think it's cute anyway) and some projects I've made at my Stampin' Up club meetings (I have the best Stampin' Up demonstrator that I'll introduce you to on Sunday) and I really want to sew a skirt tomorrow. I think I might head on down to my
favourite local quilt shop (a perfect place for all things Amy Butler...heaven!!!!!) and get some fabric to sew
this skirt. They ordered the pattern for me a few weeks ago and I've been dying to make it, but none of the fabric I have has been jumping out to me.
Have a great weekend!!